
Obesity rehabilitation at Reykjalundur is indicated for individuals with severe problems (BMI>35 with obesity-related diseases or BMI>40). The aim of the rehabilitation is to improve lifestyle through improved planning of activities of daily life, improved planning of food intake, increased physical activity, and weight loss.


The treatment is not considered a diet but a permanent lifestyle change. Once referral is received, there may be a 6-8 months wait before individuals are invited for a pre-admission interview. At that time various blood tests are done and both physical and mental health measures are taken. Then individuals are invited to a number of outpatient counselling sessions over the next 4-6 months addressing issues related to nutrition, physical exercise, mental health and occasionally appetite awareness training course.

Once there is progress in lifestyle changes and decreased BMI, individuals are admitted to the inpatient programme which involves three admissions over a one year period. Initially, individuals are admitted for 4 weeks and then again, twice during the year, they are admitted for one week each time. Additionally, during the year, there are 4 separate one-day admissions, where the group meets for discussions and various activities.

At the end of the one year period, a final decision regarding gastro bypass surgery is made. Since the year 2002 Reykjalundur, in co-operation with Landspitali (The National University Hospital of Iceland), prepares individuals for the surgery. To qualify, individuals must have developed a regular pattern of eating, have drastically decreased sugar intake and participate regularly in physical exercise. Also they have to lost weight continuously and ideally, 10% of initial weight. Furthermore, individuals must be mentally ready for surgery.